A New Decade

So, Mike is officially a decade older. He turned 80 since my last post on Groundhog Day. Truthfully, he looks about the same to me. I should show you a new picture of Mike that he had taken for publicity use for his new book. I think I will try right now. Yep, there it is.

It was freezing here again this morning, so just took a quick nose-around. We had a lot of rain, but the sun is shining brightly today. Mike and Judy both had COVID. This is the first time. They could have been a lot sicker, so we are grateful for it not being worse than a bad cold. Mike is on his last day of medication, and will retest tomorrow. Judy has already tested negative. I can tell Mike is feeling better because he spent part of yesterday cleaning cat boxes without exhausting himself.

More news: Mike is fully retired from clinical medicine. February 24 was his last day at the Berman Center. He says he was ready to move on into being a full-time writer, and possibly a part-time golfer. He has not played for years, but plans to take lessons. I think it will be a blow to his ego when he finds out the ball won’t go nearly as far as it used to. But, if he can hit it consistently straight this will compensate. I plan to go with him to help keep up his spirits, give him swing tips, read putts, and chase squirrels.

We certainly hope that you all are well and happy. And speaking of happy, Judy got The Book of Joy for Mike. Written by Douglas Abrams, it is the account of a week-long get-together between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu where they celebrated His Holiness’ eightieth birthday. The topic of their discussion was joy. Mike found it useful and fascinating. I think you all would enjoy it if you get a chance to read it. Mike says he cheated himself out of much good reading because he spent so much time working.

So, time to move on to my feline responsibilities. I will find a good spot in a patch of sunshine for a nap. We love you and hope for nothing but good health and happiness. Until next time, so long from Happy Meadows.

Author: Black Magic

Black Magic is a handsome, charming, and self-absorbed cat who lives with Mike and Judy Gordon in Marietta, Georgia. He is about 7 years old, and he will remind you at every opportunity that his grandfather was Black Jack, that famous cat who wrote his own autobiography. Black Magic has a great many opinions, and despite his natural feline arrogance, he seems to be genuinely spiritual. But the reader can decide for him/herself.

7 thoughts on “A New Decade”

  1. Tell Mike I retired also this winter. Would never had made it without his help so many years ago! Thanks

  2. Hello Black Magic,
    Please wish Dr. G. a very Happy Birthday from me! I’m so very glad to see him – almost – in person once again after so long and hear that he is doing well now that he is an octogenarian. I’m looking forward to his new book with great anticipation, for my experience has been that any words from him have always been those of true wisdom.
    I continue on my journey with much gratitude for Dr. G.’s guidance and patience during the many years that he listened to me, talked with me, laughed with me, and gave me that extra Kleenex… on the house.
    With Much Love For You Both,
    Libby G.

  3. Hi Dr. Gordon! So good to hear from you. I’ve missed the last two episodes of your blog, so I just went back and read them. Congratulations on your final retirement, your book and remission from cancer. Awesome!
    I’m doing well though I just had a total knee replacement and did extremely well. It was lot easier than my back I
    will say. My dog tore her ACL and had surgery and eight weeks later turned around and tore the other ACL. Yikes!
    We were rehabbing together. Crazy not to mention expensive. The good thing is there aren’t any ACL’s on the front legs.
    Take care I’ll be looking for your next blog. Happy birthday ! I remember you had a birthday because ours were right together. Mine was the 12th.
    Hope you can get out and enjoy this sunny day and maybe get some golfing in. Well, you may want to wait until it warms up.

  4. Hi Dr. Gordon! So good to hear from you. I’ve missed the last two episodes of your blog, so I just went back and read them. Congratulations on your final retirement, your book and remission from cancer. Awesome!
    I’m doing well though I just had a total knee replacement and did extremely well. It was lot easier than my back I
    will say. My dog tore her ACL and had surgery and eight weeks later turned around and tore the other ACL. Yikes!
    We were rehabbing together. Crazy not to mention expensive. The good thing is there aren’t any ACL’s on the front legs.
    Take care I’ll be looking for your next blog. Happy birthday ! I remember you had a birthday because ours were right together. Mine was the 12th.
    Hope you can get out and enjoy this sunny day and maybe get some golfing in. Well, you may want to wait until it warms up. Take care.
    Love, Robin

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