Having a Good Day?

So, Mike had his third chemo treatment Thursday, and it was uneventful, except that he seems to get the hiccups for a day or two afterwards. Also, he has a weird rash on his hands and feet. I guess they really are poisoning him, hopefully to his benefit. He was very energetic again the day after his last chemo, and cut down another medium sized tree behind the house. Later in the day the air came out of his balloon, and the twins nap-coached him for a couple of hours. He goes back to work part time tomorrow. We will see how it goes. I know he will be happy to be working again.

It hasn’t rained for at least 2 weeks. The lawn is on the verge of burning out. Mike had to water the front yesterday and today. It brings up an old resentment of his about having to pay both water and sewer fees for outdoor watering, even though the water doesn’t go through the sewer. The city would be happy to come out and put in a separate meter and charge and arm and a leg for it. Mike, get over it. Resentment is the number one offender, and gratitude is the antidote. Anyway, now that he has watered, and paid for the water by the drop, it will probably rain within 24 hours. We need it, so thanks, Mike.

I have probably mentioned this before, but Mike’s late wife, Gena, who died in 1992, still gets mail at the house. Always, it is someone trying to sell her something she can’t use, like a hearing aid, life insurance, or a Medicare supplemental plan. This week we (she) got 2 pieces of mail, one from an outfit calling itself National Cremation Service. They have a slogan: “Cremation, Today’s Sensible Choice.” The mailing was one of those fake surveys in which they claim to want your opinion, but what they really want is your money. I’m sure you have all seen these. One example of this is the “Do You Approve of President Trump?” messages that you get on the internet or Facebook. They are accompanied by a picture of the president with a serious, stern expression on his face. If you click “Yes” on the (red) box you then get to select all his moves that you approve of. But you can’t submit your response until you make a donation. Or, another example would be “Do You Think It is Vital to Defeat President Trump in 2020?” If you check “Yes” on the (blue) box next to a picture of him with a supercilious smirk on his face, you get to check all the reasons why he represents the greatest danger to our country since the Civil War. But, you can’t submit your answer until you make a donation. I think the same company writes both of these campaigns. The other mailing came from Dignity Memorial Network. Their slogan is “Life Well Celebrated.” They seem to be more interested in preserving remains than incinerating them. I wonder what the odds are of the occurrence of these 2 mailings coming to us the same week, after never having seen this marketing scheme before? I suspect a coordinated effort by the same company, operating off of a 30 year old mailing list.

Mike subscribes to a service that sends him a positive thought at 6AM every day. The resource is the Grapevine, a publication of Alcoholics Anonymous World Service. The Grapevine has been published monthly, I think, for the past 75 years or so, and is a goldmine of material for and by people in recovery. The daily messages are drawn from this treasure trove. Mike particularly liked one he saw about 2 weeks after he was diagnosed, and before he found our exactly what kind of cancer he has. The piece was from the April, 1991 Grapevine, from a contributor from Tennessee, entitled “Good Days and Bad Days.” “Sometimes when I think I am having a bad day, I am really learning a hard lesson, cheap. And sometimes, when I think I am having a good day, I am really in trouble and just haven’t recognized it yet. I’m really no judge at all of what kind of day I am having.” I guess it is better to deal with each situation with as little judgement as possible as to whether it is good or bad. It’s just the next thing to deal with, and if it doesn’t kill you, if you are open to learning, it really will make you stronger.

The prayers keep coming, and we appreciate them. Mike’s niece and her husband walked to the kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem yesterday and spent part of their Sabbath day enjoying each other’s company and praying for Mike’s speedy and complete recovery. Thanks to them and to all of you who are sending your love and prayers our way. We love and pray for you as well. As Mike and I are sitting here composing this note, we can feel a great sense of peace, love, hope, and the power of healing. Good stuff. So, that’s all for now from Happy Meadows. Have a safe, healthy and blessed week. You will hear from me again soon.

Author: Black Magic

Black Magic is a handsome, charming, and self-absorbed cat who lives with Mike and Judy Gordon in Marietta, Georgia. He is about 7 years old, and he will remind you at every opportunity that his grandfather was Black Jack, that famous cat who wrote his own autobiography. Black Magic has a great many opinions, and despite his natural feline arrogance, he seems to be genuinely spiritual. But the reader can decide for him/herself.

5 thoughts on “Having a Good Day?”

  1. I just love this man! Praying too for a complete recovery. God, please heal this wonderful Dr who does so much good in the world and for so many people. Amen

  2. I have several of Black Jack books. I give them out to people that I think would benefit from them. My heartfelt thanks and supportive love for Mike.

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